KD Water Cleanser


KD is a multipurpose water cleanser that can be used at a high (sanitizing) or much lower (water cleansing) dose

KD Protects

KD contains organic acids that protect the health of seed eating birds by acidifying the water they drink and thus also the contents of the crop that is stored there. The blend of organic acids, hydrogen ions and surfactants also help to keep the water containers clear of sludge and germs.


The young in the nest are most at risk from contaminated food because it stays in the crop for a prolonged period of time. KD is especially beneficial in preventing the contamination of the food which is regurgitated by parents to their young.


KD recreates pristine water, food and environment found in nature

There is no residual effect of KD on the birds because it is immediately neutralized after the food leaves the crop and enters the highly acidic stomach (proventriculus). Contamination entering the mouth in the form of foodstuff and water is by far the most common cause of disease during the breeding season.


KD attacks the heart of health problems, not the disease itself. KD acts by protecting the birds from germs in the food, water and the environment. KD shifts the weaker birds, especially juvenile birds, into good health by allowing the immune system to develop naturally and on its own merit. It protects the birds from germs in the food and water, allowing them to thrive during times of natural stress…during the breeding and molting seasons.


KD is a Health Stimulant for Juveniles

KD has a positive effect on the development of a strong immune system. KD is particularly useful for the aviary crowded with young birds, protecting them from excessive exposure to germs and promoting a stronger level of natural resistance. By its cleansing action, KD is used to enhance natural health by lowering the germ count in the water and aviary. This action protects the immune system and nurtures a strong natural resistance in the flock giving the breeding birds and juveniles the best opportunity to repel disease naturally and without the use of potentially harmful medications. The noise in the aviary intensifies and the activity of the overcrowded young birds lifts the day following the KD administration. KD accelerates the juvenile molt by promoting good bowel health.


KD Frequency

Each aviary develops its own individual requirements for KD, the frequency being calculated by the flock’s response to it. KD should usually be administered for two consecutive days. More frequent treatments may be necessary for outdoor aviaries or continuously during treatments for diseases associated with contaminated food, water or Megabacteria.


KD protects the healthy members of the flock

KD should be used defensively during the early stages of a disease outbreak. Given at the first sign of illness it protects the healthy members of the flock from infection and at the same time improves their natural resistance against the disease.


KD at the first sign of a disease outbreak

For many “carrier type” diseases in the aviary and breeding cabinets, it may be inappropriate to treat the entire flock with antibiotics. Initially, these diseases may be the result of a weak family rather than being highly contagious. But left unattended, these diseases do eventually spread to other birds, infecting even the most robust members of the flock. The role of KD for these diseases is primarily defensive, protecting the healthy members of the flock from contamination via water, food or environment. The beneficial outcome of KD treatment of “carrier” diseases is to strengthen the flock’s natural resistance against them. This enhanced natural resistance does not occur when antibiotic-type medicines are used in the early stages of the outbreak.


Flock response to KD

Positive response to KD

·         Increased activity and noise the day after KD

·         Brighter and tighter plumage the day after KD

Negative response to KD

·         Decreased activity and noise the day after KD

·         Fluffed up and large wet droppings the day after KD

·         Look and listen to the flock the morning after KD is administered. There should be an obvious increased noise/activity in the aviary/breeding cage the morning after KD. If you do not see or heard these increases, do not administer the KD for a 2nd day. If you do see and hear it, continue treatment for a further day.




TELEPHONE    770-939-4531

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Dr. Rob is a world renowned avian veterinarian in Sydney, Australia. He was the veterinary consultant for the Northern Territory Nature and Conservation Commission for a scientific study of the disease status in the wild population of the endangered Gouldian Finches as it related to a "Recovery Plan".

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Tailai O’Brien is a Parrot Behavior Consultant who has worked along side Dr. Marshall and has developed special regimes for successful bird training and behavioral development. Fill out her Questionnaire so that she may help you with your parrot’s bad behavior.