Our favorite type of candler, this micro LED light has a flexible neck for easy positioning while candling fragile eggs.
The intense white LED light makes viewing egg contents exceptionally easy. Much less expensive and more portable than those other bulky candlers.
Candle eggs between day 3 and day 5 of consistent incubation.
- Bend neck of Candler to a small curve at the end closest to the light portion.
- Hold the light to the fat end of the egg and carefully rotate the light until you can see the contents of the egg. When held in position properly, the light will allow you to see fine blood vessels, embryo, and even the heartbeat of the chick within the egg.
NOTE: Eggs candled after day 5 may appear completely full or may show only heavy blood vessels and a "darkness" filling the egg.
See our "Determining Egg Fertility" article for more information.
Eggs that look full of yellow with no blood vessels, eggs with air bubbles, or those in which the yolk floats about too easily are probably infertile. Allow the parents to sit on the egg a few more days before removing to be sure you do not remove a slow to quick egg.
Comes complete with batteries, magnet in base, and pocket clip. Imprinted with ladygouldian.com
***Colors may vary