ePowder PLUS means ENERGY
ePowder PLUS combines the concentrated protein (15-18%) and energy (lipid 5-8%) content of double strength yeast metabolites of original ePowder with the prebiotic, cognitive and immune benefits of yeast cell wall MOS (mannoprotein complex).
The rate of growth of the chick is determined by the energy content of the food, its genetic make-up and the ability
of parents to feed it to its full capacity.
The full potential for growth is achieved when the feeding parents are protected from fatigue and the energy fed to the chicks is processed as quickly as possible. The faster the baby converts the energy for growth, the quicker the crop empties and the more food the adult can feed. ePowder PLUS accelerates the conversion of energy into growth and prevents fatigue in the feeding parents. The result is a parent that feeds more, a chick that grows faster and a show bird that fulfils its genetic potential.
ePowder PLUS is an excellent source of Thiamin and B vitamins
ePowder PLUS is recommended for all breeding birds on a daily basis. ePowder contains the by-products of cultured yeast and can be mixed into tonic seed, a soft food or sprouted seed recipes or kept on it’s own in small finger drawers. It is highly palatable, but some birds need a few days to totally accept the new taste on the food.
The need for ePowder PLUS varies from one Programme to the next. Refer to each Programme for recommended frequency of administration.
The enzymatic action of Thiamin and the other B vitamins promotes rapid growth in chicks and protects their parents from the fatigue of feeding. It allows the chicks to grow to their full capacity by pushing their energy pathways to their genetic limits. ePowder accelerates the recovery from the exertions of feeding as quickly as possible. The rearing of three healthy robust rounds is no longer a dream but becomes a reality when ePowder is mixed each day with the energy rich TurboBooster oil.
The iron, zinc, and amino acids in e-powder further help the feeding adults to recover as quickly as possible, enabling them to feed their rapidly growing chicks to full capacity without tiring.
Breeding pairs
ePowder PLUS is mixed into TurboBooster impregnated seed to accelerate the growth of chicks by improving their energy conversion and protecting laying hens and the feeding parents from fatigue. ¼ teaspoon of ePowder PLUS should be added to each 200 grams of oiled seed, soaked seed or soft food fed daily.
Fill the finger drawer with ePowder PLUS. Refresh daily when the parents are feeding young.
Stressed and sick birds
Give ePowder PLUS in the TurboBooster impregnated seed, soaked seed or soft food mix each day for birds with a negative energy balance. ePowder stimulates the appetite of weanlings and ill birds. The energy imbalance is quickly reversed. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of ePowder PLUS into each 200 grams of seed, softfood or soaked seed.
Give ePowder PLUS in the TurboBooster impregnated seed, soaked seed or soft food mix for one day twice weekly to protect the young birds from the stress of overcrowding. ePowder PLUS is especially useful in aviaries with enteritis caused by bacteria, Megabacteria, Coccidiosis or worms. Mix ¼ of ePowder into 200 grams of seed, soft food or soaked seed.