PTG Problems Related to Mites
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Diagnosis: Scaly Foot Mites (Knemidokoptes spp)
Treatment: Apply undiluted S76 or Scatt using a cotton bud (Q-tip) for one day each week for 6-8 weeks or until the crusty patches fall off. Scaly mites attack weak families of birds. The highest quality diet is especially important because Scaly Mites will also attack and infect nutritionally compromised birds. The full Marshall Health Programmes are recommended.
Diagnosis: Scaly Face Mites (Knemidokoptes spp.)
Treatment: Apply undiluted S76 or Scatt using a cotton bud (Q-tip) for one day each week for 6-8 weeks or until the crusty patches fall off. Be careful to avoid the eyes and mouth during application. Scaly Mites attack weak families of birds. The highest quality diet is especially important because Scaly Mites will also attack and infect nutritionally compromised birds.
Diagnosis: Possibly Scaly Face Mites in advanced stage. (Knemidokoptes spp.)
Treatment: It is impossible to exactly determine the cause of this deformity from the photo. An examination and scraping must be done by an avian vet to determine the exact cause before any treatment is begun.
Diagnosis: No actual diagnosis was determined, however owner felt that some type of mite was involved. Both birds were scratching excessively. Feathers were missing from face and neck area and their skin was very red and irritated.
Treatment: S76 was administered in the drinking water for 2 consecutive days each week for 3 weeks in a row.
Treatment: The birds were given new cages because the owners were concerned that the mites came from their old cages. After the S76 treatments, all of the feathers returned during their next annual molt.