Morning Bird Interaction


Morning Bird

Bird Care



Supplements and Medications

The following pages contain information about how MORNING BIRD products interact with one another when used together or at the same time. Please read this information carefully in order to enhance the performance and utility of our products.
The MORNING BIRD PRODUCT INTERACTION CHART is a visual reference chart indicating the appropriateness of using various MORNING BIRD products together or at the same time. To use the chart, locate one product in either the vertical or horizontal row of products, and then find the second product in the remaining vertical or horizontal row of products. Follow the vertical and horizontal rows until they intersect. At this point you will either find a YES, NO or xxxxx. The word YES indicates that the two products may be used together or at the same time. The word NO indicates it is not best to use the two products together or at the same time. The indication xxxxx means that both the vertical and horizontal rows began with the same product.
The MORNING BIRD PRODUCT INTERACTION INFORMATION (BELOW) gives specific information and recommendations as to the appropriateness of using various products together or at the same time.
  1. Several Morning Bird products contain a full spectrum of vitamins. It is not best to use these products together or at the same time in order to prevent an over accumulation of fat-soluble vitamins. HEARTY BIRD, FEATHER FAST, BREEDER’S BLEND and THRIVE each contain a full spectrum of vitamins and therefore should not be used in any combination with one another. 
  2. THRIVE and VITALIZE should not be used together or at the same time as both contain dietary salts necessary to combat dehydration.
  3. TETRATEX contains tetracycline hydrochloride, which degrades in the presence of calcium or iron. Because HEARTY BIRD, FEATHER FAST, BREEDER’S BLEND, THRIVE, CALCIUM PLUS and BEE POLLEN, all contain amounts of calcium or iron, it is best not to use these products while using TETRATEX. 
  4. It is not best to use two different antibiotics together or at the same time, therefore, AMOXITEX and TETRATEX should not be used together or at the same time. 
  5. SPARKLE greatly reduces pathogens (bacteria, fungi or yeasts) in water. PROBIOTICS are a beneficial live bacterial strain; therefore, SPARKLE and PROBIOTICS should not be used together or at the same time.
  6. PROBIOTICS may be degraded in the presence of COCCI-CARE, WORM AWAY, IVERLUX or RONEX. It is not best to use PROBIOTICS with these products.
  7. SPARKLE may degrade the performance of AMOXITEX, TETRATEX, COCCI-CARE, WORM-AWAY, IVERLUX, or RONEX. Therefore, these products should not be used together or at the same time as SPARKLE. 
  8. When treating for suspected multiple ailments, it is best to consult a veterinarian prior to using any of the following products together or at the same time. AMOXITEX, TETRATEX, COCCI-CARE, WORM AWAY, IVERLUX and RONEX. 
If you are not certain how to use or administer any of the MORNING BIRD products or unsure of your bird’s ailment, it is always wise to consult with a reputable veterinarian.



TELEPHONE    770-939-4531

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Dr. Rob
Ask Dr Rob

Dr. Rob is a world renowned avian veterinarian in Sydney, Australia. He was the veterinary consultant for the Northern Territory Nature and Conservation Commission for a scientific study of the disease status in the wild population of the endangered Gouldian Finches as it related to a "Recovery Plan".

Ask Tailai

Tailai O’Brien is a Parrot Behavior Consultant who has worked along side Dr. Marshall and has developed special regimes for successful bird training and behavioral development. Fill out her Questionnaire so that she may help you with your parrot’s bad behavior.