Jay's California Dreamin'

By Jay Mohan


In early 2006, I found myself interested in birds, particularly Lady Gouldian Finches. I wanted them to have more freedom then being locked-up in small cages, and since I live in Sacramento, California, I was hoping to have them living outdoors year round.


I found a website on the internet (Ron’s Backyard Aviary) and decided to call Ron to see if he could build me an aviary that would suit my needs. I was very lucky since Ron had just retired, and somehow I was able to convince him into building his very last custom built aviary.


Ron started to build my aviary in Oregon (octagon shaped) in panels. The wood used was Oregon cedar wood. Ron told me that it would last

over 30 years and that the aviary will eventually change color to a beautiful silver color over the years from the rain and sun.   It was going to take 3 months to build it and I was getting very anxious. Periodically, he would send pictures of his progress that got me even more eager to get my aviary.  While my aviary was being built I had to find some Lady Gouldians and came across Laraine McGinnis (ladygoudian.com).


Once again I got very lucky! Laraine is the best and most knowledgeable Lady Gouldian person…probably in the world.  When I contacted Laraine she told me that she had a sister in Southern California who housed her birds outdoors year round with very similar temperatures. She and I talked in depth over the next few months, but she was still a little concerned about my birds being outdoors during the winter when the temperatures drop down to below 30 degrees. “Perhaps, getting a portable heater maybe the way to go”, she said.  The other option is to take a chance and hopefully the birds would acclimate to the Sacramento weather.


I found a breeder in my area who also housed her Gouldians outdoors, so I was all set.  I also got some advice from Ron, who mentioned that the Gouldians will be fine from the 100 degree hot summers to the cold winters.


“If the birds do not get wet and the Gouldians roost on the top branches away from the wind they will survive.” Ron eventually finished my aviary and drove it all the way from Oregon to California. I helped him put the panels together and Walla! my aviary was complete.


Because of the very hot temperatures that we get here in Sacramento in the summer, I have installed a mister system.  The white water line you see in this photo supplies the water to the system.   I turn them on manually whenever the temperatures go over 100° degrees.


The birds seem to do OK with temperature below 100° although some days I turn the misters on even when the temperature is at 90°. It all depends on the attitude of my birds. I get this vibe from them…if they are too hot…I know it and I turn the misters on. LOVE my birds!



Today, it has been over two years and I have had no problems with my birds other than their natural death cycle. I have not used any type of heaters for the aviary. Although, during the winter the bird bath and bird water is frozen my birds have acclimated!


I am totally convinced that the products and the advice I received from Laraine is the reason my birds survived all these years. I just bought some more Gouldians from Laraine on July 23rd, 2009. As expected they arrived safely from Georgia. My Gouldians are so spectacular and vivid in colors. I am as happy as are my Gouldians!



TELEPHONE    770-939-4531

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Do you have a question that you have not found an answer for throughout this website or in my FAQ? Use this link to send your question directly to me. Be as specific as possible about the symptom or behavior in question...

Dr. Rob
Ask Dr Rob

Dr. Rob is a world renowned avian veterinarian in Sydney, Australia. He was the veterinary consultant for the Northern Territory Nature and Conservation Commission for a scientific study of the disease status in the wild population of the endangered Gouldian Finches as it related to a "Recovery Plan".

Ask Tailai

Tailai O’Brien is a Parrot Behavior Consultant who has worked along side Dr. Marshall and has developed special regimes for successful bird training and behavioral development. Fill out her Questionnaire so that she may help you with your parrot’s bad behavior.